Skin Types and Its Role in General Beauty


It’s a beautiful Saturday, and hope you’re enjoying the weekend? And of course, this weekend will not be complete without sharing our weekly beauty tips. In case you missed our last post where we shared 3 hot reasons why you should use organic and natural skincare products, you can read it here.

The skin as we know is the largest organ of the human body and it acts as a protective barrier against external factors such as the UV (Ultra Violet) rays, sun, microbes etc. Often times, we tend to forget that the skin is also very important and therefore neglect to feed and nourish it. 
In this article, we would be educating you about the 5 different skin types and how best to manage them.

1.     The Normal Skin
 This skin type is perceived by some as the perfect skin type because it is somewhere between dry and oily skin (not too dry or too oily), has no imperfections, no severe sensitivity, barely visible pores and a radiant complexion. It has a minor greasy feeling and is prone to redness.

2.     The Combination Skin

 This skin type is a bit tricky as it comprises two skin types such as dry skin or normal skin in some areas and oily skin in others. The oily skin usually appears in areas such as the nose, forehead, and chin (the T-zone).
The peculiar thing about this skin type is that it is often tricky to maintain and this skin type is what most people have.

3.     The Dry Skin
 This skin type is characterized by its notoriety for having almost invisible pores, dull and rough complexion, red patches, less elastic skin and more visible lines. Quite straightforward! Don’t you agree?

4.     The Oily Skin
 This skin type has enlarged pores, dull or shiny thick complexion. It is more prone to blackheads, pimples, or other blemishes. Puberty or other hormonal imbalance worsens this skin type.

           The Sensitive Skin
 This skin type is characterized by its high vulnerability to redness, itching, burning, and dryness.
To manage these skin types, you need to first identify the kind of skin you have, then you take the following precautions;

·        For a normal skin, you probably won’t need to go the extra mile, just nourish and moisture would do.
       For a combination skin, you need to know which area is either dry, normal or oily then take care of each area differently according to the skin type.
·         For dry skin, take shorter showers and baths using mild soaps or cleansers, avoid using deodorant soaps as they would dehydrate the skin and you don’t want that. 
   Don’t scrub skin while bathing/drying and use moisturizers after a bath, preferably ointments.
·        For an oily skin, wash twice a day and whenever you sweat excessively, use gentle cleansers and avoid scrubbing. 
    Don’t pop pimples and use non-comedogenic skincare products (they won’t clog your pores).
·        For a sensitive skin, the best remedy is to know your trigger or what your skin reacts to and avoid using them, as easy as that.

See you next time.
